Brands on Reddit undergo testing for verification labels

Brands on Reddit undergo testing for verification labels

Reddit is currently ⁤conducting tests ‌on its platform with a new “Official” label for verification‍ badges. According to a‌ post by a Reddit admin, this label is being tested with⁣ a ​small group of organizations (numbering in the double digits) that already have established relationships with Reddit. The label will be displayed next to their usernames, similar to the current‍ implementation of ​flairs.

Reddit emphasizes‌ that this label should not be interpreted as an endorsement or ‍promotion on ⁣their part. Its purpose is solely to identify authentic brand accounts. Reddit states, “The label is ⁣a visual indicator of an authenticated profile, and ‍it does ⁢not grant ⁢any special privileges or protections. This new ‘Official’ label should not be confused with our ⁢existing ‘Promoted’ label, which remains ⁢the only indicator of a ⁣paid ad.”

It is‍ important‍ to note that⁤ this is a test being conducted by Reddit, and it ⁣is unclear if or when the company ⁢will expand the program…

2023-07-27 12:46:40
Link from ⁤ rnrn

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