Blinken’s Visit to Iraq Aims to Manage Israel-Hamas Conflict

Blinken’s Visit to Iraq Aims to Manage Israel-Hamas Conflict

new video loaded: Blinken Visits Iraq in Hopes of Containing Israel-Hamas War




Blinken Visits Iraq in Hopes of Containing‌ Israel-Hamas⁤ War

Amid concerns that the conflict in Gaza could⁢ spill across the Middle East, the U.S. secretary of state, Antony J. Blinken, met with Iraqi officials and U.S. personnel to ​reaffirm the ⁣United States’ commitment to protecting its partners.

There have been a series ⁢of iraq-aims-to-manage-israel-hamas-conflict.html” title=”Blinken's Visit to Iraq Aims to Manage Israel-Hamas Conflict”>attacks conducted‍ by militia directed at our⁣ personnel, both⁤ in Iraq as well as⁣ in ⁤Syria. Job ‍number one for ‌me is to ⁢ensure the security of ⁤our people. ⁢And so⁢ I got an update on ​everything we’re doing to make sure that our personnel are ‍safe and secure. I had a good, productive, candid ​meeting with Prime Minister al-Sudani.⁢ And there were really two areas of focus for me‍ in that meeting. The first was to reaffirm our commitment⁤ to our partnership with Iraq. The threats coming from militia that are aligned⁣ with Iran are totally unacceptable, and we⁣ will take every necessary step to protect our people. We’re ⁢not looking for conflict with Iran; we’ve made that very clear. But we’ll do what’s necessary to ‌protect our personnel, be ‍they military or civilian. To anyone who might seek to take advantage of the conflict ⁢in Gaza to threaten our personnel here or anywhere ⁣else in the region: Don’t do it.

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2023-11-05 16:42:01
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