Blinken’s Middle East Visit: Warning of Potential Spread of War

Blinken’s Middle East Visit: Warning of Potential Spread of War

The US secretary of state,⁤ Antony Blinken, has returned⁤ to the Middle East for the fourth time in three months ‍as he warned Israel’s‍ war‍ against Hamas risked spreading throughout the​ region.

Recent intensifying violence ‍between Israel and Lebanon’s⁣ Hezbollah, increasing attacks by⁣ Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis‍ on commercial shipping⁣ in the Red Sea, and strikes by Tehran-linked groups on US bases in ⁣Iraq, have created ‌an increasingly febrile atmosphere across the ⁢Middle ⁤East.

Israel admitted on Sunday that a Hezbollah rocket barrage the previous⁤ night damaged​ a strategic airbase in‌ northern Israel. ‍Images released by Hezbollah appeared to show a fire on or beside‍ a dome at the ‍Mt ⁣Meron base, which is ‍less than​ 10km from ⁤the ⁣border with Lebanon.

Images released by Hezbollah of the Mt Meron base. Photograph: Hezbollah

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) declined to comment ⁣on the⁣ extent of ⁤the damage and said backup systems meant the country’s ‌air defences continued to function.‍ But ‍the successful hit on a sensitive military facility underlines Hezbollah’s capacity.

Israel’s‍ security‌ officials acknowledge the group ⁢would present a⁤ far more formidable enemy⁣ than ‌Hamas if exchanges‌ of cross-border ⁣fire escalate into a ​full conflict.

Blinken addressed the‌ threat ‌the conflict could ‍spread ‌in comments on⁣ Sunday night. “This is‍ a moment of profound tension in‍ the‌ region. This is a conflict that could⁣ easily metastasise, causing ⁢even ⁤more⁤ insecurity and even more suffering,” Blinken told a news conference in‍ Doha alongside Qatar’s prime minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al ⁤Thani.

The US secretary of state has ​already visited Jordan, Turkey and‌ Greece on a tour that ‌will‍ also⁣ include stops ⁤in ⁢Israel, the West Bank, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and ​Egypt.

‘Extraordinary’: Biden administration staffers’ growing dissent against Gaza policyRead more

The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the Biden administration had ⁣warned Israel against a⁤ significant escalation in Lebanon, while also ⁤citing a secret ‍US Defense Intelligence Agency‍ assessment that Israel would struggle to fight conflicts on two⁤ fronts, in Gaza and Lebanon.

The paper‍ also ⁤reported that early in the Gaza war,‌ Joe Biden called‌ Netanyahu up to three times a day to dissuade Israel from launching a war on Hezbollah simultaneously, amid fears “all hell would break loose” in the region.

With border clashes continuing ⁤on Sunday morning, Lebanon reported that the IDF had shelled in the region of Khiam and Majdel ⁣Zoun.

Blinken’s tour follows a stark warning delivered in ‌Beirut by the‌ EU foreign policy ‌chief, Josep Borrell, that it ⁢was “imperative” to avoid a regional escalation in​ the Middle ​East. He warned⁣ Israel that ⁣“nobody will win from a regional conflict”.

Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Iran … how far ⁣could war in the Middle East spread?Read more

Fears that the conflict could spread have been growing‍ since Israel’s assassination last week of a top Hamas…

2024-01-07 17:40:27
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