Biden Faces Criticism for Sidestepping Congress on Yemen Strikes: Deemed “Unacceptable

Biden Faces Criticism for Sidestepping Congress on Yemen Strikes: Deemed “Unacceptable

A bipartisan chorus of lawmakers​ assailed Joe Biden for failing​ to seek congressional approval before authorizing ‌military strikes against targets in Yemen‍ controlled by Iranian-backed Houthi⁤ militants, reigniting a long-simmering debate⁢ over who has the power to declare war ‌in America.

The US‌ president⁢ announced on Thursday night that the US ⁤and the UK, ⁤with support from Australia, Canada, ⁤the Netherlands⁤ and ⁢Bahrain, had launched a series of air and naval strikes on more than‍ a dozen ⁣sites in Yemen. The ‌retaliatory action was in response to relentless Houthi attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea since the start of Israel’s war‍ in Gaza.

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“This is an unacceptable violation of the constitution,” said ⁢Congresswoman ​Pramila Jayapal, a Washington Democrat and the chair of the ​Progressive Caucus. “Article 1 requires that military action be authorized by ⁢Congress.”

Biden, ​who‍ served​ 36 years in‍ the Senate, including⁣ as chair of the foreign relations committee,​ notified Congress but did not request its approval.

“These strikes are in direct response to⁢ unprecedented ⁤Houthi attacks​ against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea – including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history,” Biden said in a statement. “These attacks have endangered US personnel, ⁢civilian ‍mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom‍ of navigation.”

The⁣ escalation of American action ⁢came days after the ⁤Houthis launched ​one of their biggest salvoes to date, in⁢ defiance of warnings from the ⁢Biden‌ administration⁤ and several international allies who ‌implored‌ the rebel group‍ to cease its attacks​ or prepare to “bear the responsibility of⁢ the consequences”.

Several lawmakers applauded the strikes, arguing ​they were necessary to ‌deter Iran. In a statement, Senator‌ Mitch ⁣McConnell of Kentucky, the minority ​leader, called Biden’s ⁣decision “overdue”.

“The United States and our allies must leave no room to doubt that the days of unanswered terrorist aggression are over,” he said.

Congressman Gregory ‌Meeks, the ranking Democrat on the House foreign affairs committee, said⁤ he supported the decision to launch‌ “targeted, proportional military strikes”, but called ‌on the Biden administration to “continue its diplomatic efforts to avoid escalation ⁤to⁤ a broader⁤ regional war and⁣ continue to engage Congress on the details of its strategy and legal basis as required ⁢by law”.

Yet many progressive – and a number of conservative – members were furious with​ the ​president for failing to seek approval ‌from Congress.

“Unacceptable,” wrote Ayanna Pressley, a Massachusetts Democrat.

Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin ⁤Democrat, wrote: “The United States cannot risk getting entangled into another decades-long conflict ​without congressional authorization.”


2024-01-12 12:24:36
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