Biden extends FISA surveillance program for two more years with new bill signing

President Biden ⁤recently approved the extension of a controversial ⁢surveillance program under the ⁣Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This program,⁤ known as Section 702, permits intelligence gathering on foreign targets without the need for a warrant. Despite its primary focus ⁣on non-US targets, it can inadvertently capture communications involving ⁤American individuals.

The Senate narrowly voted to ​extend ⁢Section 702, preventing its expiration at midnight on Friday.⁢ The extension now lasts until ‍April 2025, with a shorter duration​ of two years instead⁤ of⁢ the previous five. Despite​ missing the initial ​deadline, Congress approved the ⁢extension with‍ a‍ 60-34 vote, as reported by CBS News. The White House signed⁣ the bill‍ into law over the weekend.


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