Berkshire Hathaway, Led by Warren Buffett, Holds Unprecedented $157 Billion Cash Reserve

Berkshire Hathaway, Led by Warren Buffett, Holds Unprecedented 7 Billion Cash Reserve

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire ⁤Hathaway ended the third quarter ‍with a record cash pile and reported a deeper ⁢net loss due to the sputtering stock market rally.

The Omaha, Neb., company,⁢ which owns businesses⁣ including insurer Geico, ‍railroad BNSF Railway and​ sportswear maker Brooks‍ Running, posted a net loss of $12.8⁤ billion, or $8,824 a class⁣ A share‍ equivalent. That compared with a loss ‌of $2.8 billion, or $1,907​ a share, in the year-earlier period. Investment losses swelled to $23.5 billion from ‌$10.4 billion⁤ a year earlier.

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2023-11-04 07:46:00
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