Bear Caught on Camera Opening Front Door of Colorado Home

Bear Caught on Camera Opening Front Door of Colorado Home

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What strategies can Coloradan homeowners implement to best protect their property from bear-related incursions?

Colorado Homeowner Captures Video of Bear Opening Front Door


In Colorado, a homeowner captured a shocking video of a front door of Colorado residence by homeowner”>bear opening the front door of their house. This incident has created a buzz in the neighborhood and among animal lovers and experts.

What Happened?

The video shows the bear walking towards the front door of the house and then standing up to reach the handle. It then proceeds to push down the handle and the door opens. The bear then walks into the house, before being scared off by the sound of the homeowner’s voice.

Expert Analysis

This incident has raised some concerns among experts who suggest that bears are becoming too comfortable around humans. According to experts, bears that approach homes and try to enter them are often looking for food or a comfortable place to sleep.

They warn that bears should not be treated as pets and that people should not approach them or leave food out in the open. Instead, homeowners should secure their property by locking their doors and windows, and keeping food and garbage securely stored.


The incident captured on video in Colorado is a startling reminder that wild animals can be dangerous, and humans need to be careful. This incident is also a reminder that humans must take responsibility for their actions and be mindful of wildlife.

It is essential to show respect and understanding towards wild animals and ensure that we do not create situations where they feel threatened or feel that they need to defend themselves. It is crucial to be aware of the best practices for living with wildlife, both for our safety and for the preservation of these incredible creatures. rnrn

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