From 21 May 2024Key events22 May 2024Robbie Katter calls for new state in north Queensland21 May 2024Bird flu detected at central Victorian egg farm21 May 2024Government welcomes ‘positive engagement’ with Israel over aid worker death21 May 2024More flights out of New Caledonia as first Australians arrive home21 May 2024Birmingham insists ICC arrest warrants create ‘false equivalence between Israel and Hamas’21 May 2024Eight Australians in hospital following Singapore flight21 May 2024Good morning21 May 2024Australians losing less to scammers, ACCC report shows21 May 2024Coalition budget costings have $45bn ‘black hole’, Labor says21 May 2024Fifty-six Australians on ‘traumatic’ Singapore Airlines flight21 May 2024WelcomeFilters BETAKey events (11)Australia (12)ABC RN (7)Israel (6)Simon Birmingham (6)Labor (6)22 May 202420.43 EDTBenita Kolovos
Victorian health minister takes question on abortion access
Circling back to Victorian health minister Mary-Anne Thomas’ appearance at budget estimates:
Thomas is now being asked by Greens MP Aiv Puglielli about a report by the ABC today which raises concerns women are being blocked from accessing abortion services by conscientious objectors, who are then failing to refer them to alternative providers.
The health minister says this is a “key concern” of hers and it’s why the government is planning to open 20 new women’s health clinics, which will offer both surgical and medical abortions.
She said Sexual Health Victoria had also recently established a telehealth medical abortion service. Of the telehealth program, Thomas said:
That is improving access particularly for regional and rural women. So I want the committee to be in no doubt about our government’s commitment to expanding access to abortion care right across Victoria, no matter where girls and women live. And as a regional Victorian myself, I’m well aware of some of the challenges that can be experienced in rural and regional Victoria.
You will also be interested to know that my department has – at my direction, I might say – worked with Peninsula and Eastern and Western health services in order to increase access to surgical termination and create additional capacity for the Royal Women’s hospital.
ShareUpdated at 20.44 EDT22 May 202420.40 EDT
Victorian EPA responding to reports of fuel leak in Melboune
The Environment Protection Authority of Victoria says it is responding to reports of fuel leaking into the bay from a drain under a pier near Head Street in Elwood.
Please avoid contact with the water while we investigate.
We are responding to reports of fuel leaking into the bay from a drain under a pier near Head St, Elwood. Please avoid contact with the water while we investigate. @FireRescueVic @CityPortPhillip
— Environment Protection Authority Victoria (@VicGovEPA) May 22, 2024
Share22 May 202420.31 EDTRobbie Katter calls for new state in north QueenslandAndrew Messenger
2024-05-21 19:44:21
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