AT&T has no immediate plans to remove lead cables from Lake Tahoe

AT&T has no immediate plans to remove lead cables from Lake Tahoe

July ⁢18 ‌(Reuters)⁣ – AT&T (T.N) ⁢said ‍on Tuesday ⁣it does not⁢ intend​ to​ immediately ⁣remove⁢ lead cables ‍from Lake ​Tahoe pending⁣ further‍ analysis, according to ⁣its ‍court filing.

Shares of‍ AT&T⁢ this ‌week ‌hit‍ their ‍lowest level ‌in 30 ‍years, after⁢ analysts​ downgraded‍ the⁢ stock‍ following a⁢ July ‍9​ Wall ⁣Street ‍Journal‍ report ⁢that AT&T and other telecom companies‍ have left​ toxic‍ lead ⁣cables on poles,⁢ underwater ⁢and buried‍ under​ ground.⁣ AT&T shares dipped 0.6% to close at‍ $13.45 on Tuesday.

AT&T on‍ Tuesday ⁤harshly ⁣criticized ‌the newspaper’s​ reporting and ‌testing, ‌saying⁣ it​ “differs dramatically ‌from the expert testing commissioned ‍by⁢ AT&T.”

In‍ Tuesday’s court ‍filing, ⁢AT&T argued ‍that lead-clad cables‌ “make up ⁣a‍ small part“‍ of its network.

The company estimated​ that ⁢lead-clad ⁣cables⁤ “represent less ⁢than ​10% of its copper ⁣footprint‍ of roughly two ⁣million​ sheath ​miles‍ of ‌cable,⁣ the overwhelming⁣ majority ‍of which remains ⁣in active ⁢service.”

The​ company ‍added that‍ more⁤ than ⁣two-thirds‍ of itslead-clad cabling “is ⁤either ‍buried‌ or in ​conduit, ⁢followed ‍by‍ aerial⁣ cable, and with⁤ a ‌very⁢ small​ portion running ⁣underwater.”

The company​ in 2021 agreed ​to ⁤remove ‌lead-clad⁣ telecommunications cables ⁤from Lake‌ Tahoe, ⁤which straddles‍ California and ​Nevada, ‌to resolve ‌a lawsuit despite its​ belief ⁣that they ⁤pose no danger.

A⁢ lawyer for the⁢ company said⁣ in ⁣the court filing after ⁢the Wall ​Street Journal report ​that ⁣the cables should ⁢remain ⁤”in​ place to permit further analysis‍ by any qualified and⁤ independent ⁢interested party, including the EPA ⁢(U.S.⁢ Environmental ​Protection​ Agency),⁤ and‍ allow‍ the ⁣safety⁤ of‌ these ⁤cables to be ​litigated with ​objective⁣ scientific evidence rather ‍than ‌sensationalized⁣ media⁣ coverage.”

A⁣ status‍ conference ‍is ‍set ‍for ‌Thursday.

The newspaper and ‍EPA​ did⁤ not⁣ immediately respond to​ requests for⁤ comment.

AT&T ⁢cited a⁣ letter ⁤to ‌the‌ EPA‌ on⁢ Monday ‌in ⁢which the‌ non- governmental ⁢organization ‍Environmental​ Defense Fund‌ recommended​ the EPA⁢ “assess the ⁤condition of ⁣the underwater ⁤cables to⁣ determine their‌ condition,​ their‍ current⁤ and anticipated ⁢releases ⁢to‌ the ​environment, and ‌the risks ‌posed by their removal or ‍leaving them in⁤ place.”

Tom⁢ Neltner, ⁢Environmental Defense⁣ Fund’s ⁣Safer⁣ Chemicals ⁣Senior Director, ⁢told ​Reuters ‌the ⁢group was​ referring ⁤broadly to the​ lead‍ cable issue ‌but not ‍addressing ‍whether ​the‍ Lake Tahoe ​cables ⁤should​ be removed ⁢immediately. “The‌ point⁤ is EPA⁤ needs to⁤ investigate, ‍figure⁤ it‌ out,” ‌Neltner ‌said.

The⁤ court ‍filing‌ on Tuesday asserted⁤ that ⁣the ⁣Wall⁣ Street‌ Journal’s‍ testing ‍”was‌ both funded⁣ by the Environmental‌ Defense⁢ Fund and ‍targeted ‌on sites the Journal‍ believed‌ were most likely ‍to obtain‍ the ​result it⁣ wanted: high⁢ lead levels.”

Neltner, ‌who ​has⁣ worked ⁤on‍ lead‍ issues⁢ for 20 ⁣years, said AT&T is ​wrong ⁣in ⁤its criticism. ‌EDF’s​ goal​ was to use scientifically sound⁣ principles to ⁣determine the⁣ extent⁤ that⁣ lead-clad‌ cables ‌may pose⁤ health‌ risks. “We‍ didn’t presume⁤ any results ​and‌ lord‌ knows I​ did⁢ not ​want⁤ to ​find lead,” ​Neltner ‌said.

Neltner⁤ said ⁤EDF…

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