ATSB Confirms Cocaine Use by Pilot Involved in Fatal Mid-Air Crash at Sea World Helicopters

ATSB Confirms Cocaine Use by Pilot Involved in Fatal Mid-Air Crash at Sea World Helicopters

A preliminary investigation has found that a helicopter pilot involved ‌in a mid-air collision ⁤on the Gold Coast, in which four people were​ killed, had cocaine in his system. However, the⁣ level of cocaine was unlikely to have affected his flying ⁤abilities, according to ‌the Australian Transport Safety Bureau ⁢(ATSB).

On Tuesday,⁢ the ATSB ​released an interim ‍report on‍ the collision⁢ that occurred on January 2, 2023, near Sea World on the Gold Coast. The report stated that the pilot of one helicopter was returning to a helipad with five passengers ⁢after a five-minute scenic flight.

A few minutes before 2pm, a second tour helicopter took off with six passengers and collided with the first aircraft. The second‍ helicopter crashed onto a sandbar, resulting in the death of the pilot and three passengers, as well as serious injuries to three others.

The first helicopter was able to land ‍on the sandbar, ⁣with three⁤ people suffering serious injuries and three suffering minor injuries.

Sea World helicopter crash: report suggests pilot did not hear ⁢radio call from other aircraftRead more

The ⁤purpose of the ATSB’s interim report is ⁣to provide an update on the ‌crash investigation and it has not yet made formal findings regarding​ the ​contributing factors.

An autopsy of the deceased pilot of the second helicopter, Ashley Jenkinson, revealed no ​evidence of significant disease. However,⁢ a toxicology report showed‌ a positive result ⁢for ‌cocaine. The report stated that there were no signs of chronic stimulant‍ use and the cocaine was unlikely to have been​ consumed within 24 hours of the crash. It could have ‌been taken up to four⁢ days prior.

According⁣ to Angus Mitchell, the​ chief ‍commissioner of‍ the ATSB, the pilot​ had a “low concentration” of cocaine in his system. Mitchell stated ​that​ it is⁢ unlikely the pilot’s ​psychomotor skills ‍would have been impaired.

The ATSB expects to complete its final‍ report, ⁢which will include ⁢analysis, findings, and any recommended safety⁣ actions, between July and September 2024.

Mitchell emphasized the responsibility ⁢of the ⁣ATSB to make findings and implement safety actions ⁢that reduce the likelihood‌ of similar‍ accidents in the future.‌ The interim report also highlighted the steps already taken by Sea World Helicopters, a separate business ​from the theme park, including improved air traffic control ‍at the⁢ beachside​ heliport.

2024-01-01 22:21:36
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