As It Seeks Expansion in Texas County, Musk’s Boring Company Confronts Numerous Complaints

As It Seeks Expansion in Texas County, Musk’s Boring Company Confronts Numerous Complaints


Elon Musk’s The Boring Company is facing complaints from local regulators and residents of Texas’ Bastrop County over licensing issues and environmental concerns as the tunneling construction company expands its presence in the state.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has issued several violations to The Boring Company’s building sites over poor erosion control and other matters.

The company has been constructing a large warehouse in Bastrop County, along with other facilities such as a pool, a clubhouse, and mobile homes for workers.

Bastrop County accused The Boring Company of violating wastewater holding tank regulations that did not receive necessary approval from the local government.

The Texas Department of Transportation has also rebuked the tunneling company for building a driveway without the necessary licensing, citing traffic safety risks.

Boring and SpaceX, another Musk company, are reportedly seeking permission from the state to dump its treated wastewater into the Colorado River.

The Boring Company has been hit with three violation notices, with the first two posing “moderate” harm and the third bringing “minor” harm to surrounding areas.

In March, Bastrop residents had a meeting with TCEQ and Boring to discuss the tunneling company’s wastewater disposal permit after a local resident launched the “Keep Bastrop Boring” campaign.

Musk is reportedly planning to establish his own town in Bastrop County, adjacent to the Boring and SpaceX facilities.

Four employees have also filed a lawsuit against The Boring Company over alleged inadequate time records and unpaid overtime.

Mayor Connie Schroeder said Bastrop “would prefer wastewater to be treated at state-of-the-art plants and it just so happens the City of Bastrop has one under construction,” even as she hopes Boring would find success in the area.

Residents have raised concerns about Musk valuing “speed over everything,” while another resident, who operates an organic farm near the Boring site, said the idea of having wastewater dumped into the Colorado River was “horrifying.”

2023-06-13 03:30:03
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