Arrival of ChatGPT’s Android App Scheduled for Last Week of July

Arrival of ChatGPT’s Android App Scheduled for Last Week of July

OpenAI has⁢ announced⁤ that⁣ ChatGPT for⁤ Android‍ will ‍be rolling‌ out to‍ users⁤ sometime⁣ next‌ week. ⁣The‌ Google Play⁢ listing ​for‍ the app⁤ is already⁣ available,⁢ and users can pre-register to get ⁣it as soon as⁤ it becomes available. 

While ​it’s unclear if⁢ the ‍app will ‌initially ⁤only ‌be available in the US‌ like ⁤the iPhone app,​ I was ‍able ‍to pre-order it‍ from ​Asia. OpenAI expanded the iOS app’s reach ⁤to more‍ regions shortly after⁣ its ‍release, so ‍it’s likely that ‍the Android​ app will ⁤also be‍ accessible in other countries soon, even if it⁤ launches​ only ‍in⁤ the‌ US. 

Although ‍people can⁣ already access⁤ ChatGPT⁤ on​ Android ​through‍ a browser, the interface⁣ is​ not optimized ​for mobile devices. ⁣With the dedicated ⁤app, users ⁤can expect an⁣ interface ⁣that is specifically​ designed⁤ for⁤ mobile, along with⁢ features tailored for ​the Android platform. iOS⁤ users, for example,⁣ received ⁢support ⁢for ‌Siri⁣ and‍ Shortcuts in…

2023-07-22⁣ 02:56:39
Link⁢ from⁤ rnrn

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