Arevalo’s victory certified by Guatemala body despite party suspension

Arevalo’s victory certified by Guatemala body despite party suspension

Guatemala’s top ⁤electoral ⁢tribunal has declared Bernardo Arevalo the winner of the country’s presidential ⁤elections but his presidency was plunged into uncertainty even before it had officially begun after another government body suspended his Seed Movement party.

Arevalo, the centre-left son of⁣ a former president, ‍won the second-round run-off against former First Lady Sandra Torres ⁢in a landslide, as Guatemalans voted in droves for change.

According to the official count, the 64-year-old former diplomat secured 60.9 percent of the valid votes cast against 37.2 percent for the right-wing Torres.

Officials from the Supreme ⁤Electoral Tribunal on Monday ⁤confirmed ⁣Arevalo as ⁤the winner and were then⁣ confronted with questions ⁣about a document from ⁤the ⁢electoral⁤ registry published‍ in the media⁣ that ⁢ordered⁤ a temporary suspension of Seed’s legal‍ registration.

During the election campaign, one ‍of the⁢ most tumultuous in the country’s ‌history, prosecutors had threatened to⁣ bar the party⁢ from the poll,⁣ prompting​ an outcry among people in‌ Guatemala and in the international community.

“These‌ are the official results and⁤ that’s what counts in Guatemala,” tribunal magistrate Gabriel Aguilera said.

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