Approaching Near-Supersonic Velocities: Recent Findings Reveal Tensile Cracks’ Ability to Shatter Classical Speed Limits

Approaching Near-Supersonic Velocities: Recent Findings Reveal Tensile Cracks’ Ability to Shatter Classical Speed Limits

Researchers at ⁢the Racah Institute of Physics,​ Hebrew University‍ of Jerusalem, have made ‍a​ discovery that ​challenges the⁢ conventional understanding of fracture⁢ mechanics. The team, led by‌ Dr.⁤ Meng Wang, Dr. Songlin Shi, and Prof. Jay Fineberg, has experimentally demonstrated the existence of “supershear” tensile cracks that exceed classical speed limits and transition ⁢to near-supersonic velocities.​ Their paper is published ⁢in the ​journal Science.

Traditionally, ‌brittle materials have been⁢ observed⁤ to fail through ⁢the​ rapid propagation⁣ of cracks. Classical fracture mechanics describes ‍the motion of tensile cracks that release elastic​ energy within ⁢a ⁤localized zone at their ⁤tips,⁣ limiting their speed to the Rayleigh wave ‌speed (CR). However, the ​recent findings by the Hebrew ⁤University researchers indicate a paradigm shift in this understanding.

Utilizing brittle neo-Hookean materials ⁣in their experiments, the team identified ⁣the occurrence of “supershear” tensile cracks that smoothly accelerate beyond the ​classical speed limit ⁣of CR. Surprisingly, these cracks were observed to surpass the shear wave speed (cS) as⁢ well.⁢ In ‌certain cases, the⁢ velocities of these supershear cracks ‍approached dilatation wave⁤ speeds, presenting phenomena previously unobserved in classical fracture mechanics.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the discovery is the observation ⁢that⁤ supershear dynamics are ‌governed by ⁣different principles than those guiding‌ classical cracks. This non-classical mode of tensile fracture is⁤ not a random occurrence;‍ rather, it is excited at critical strain levels ‌that depend on the ⁣material​ properties.

“This finding represents⁤ a fundamental shift in our understanding​ of⁢ the fracture ‍process in brittle materials,”⁣ commented Prof. Jay Fineberg, the corresponding author of the research. “By demonstrating‍ the existence of ⁢supershear tensile cracks and ‍their ability to‍ exceed​ classical speed limits, we have opened up new avenues for ​studying fracture mechanics‍ and its applications.”

2023-07-28 ⁤08:00:04
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