Appeals court grants temporary halt on order limiting communication between Biden officials and social networks

Appeals court grants temporary halt on order limiting communication between Biden officials and social networks

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has temporarily halted Judge Terry A. Doughty’s order that prohibits most federal officials from communicating with social media companies like Meta. The New York Times reports that a three-judge panel has decided to set aside Doughty’s preliminary injunction “until further orders of the court.”

Previously, the state attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden and other top government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. They claimed that the current administration was pressuring social media companies to censor specific topics and remove content. The Washington Post states that the lawsuit is based on emails exchanged between the administration and social networks, where the former questioned the companies’ handling of posts on their platforms that contained conservative claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election.

2023-07-15 07:30:40
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