Antifungal Molecule Unearthed by Researchers

Antifungal Molecule Unearthed by Researchers

Fungal infections are causing the deaths of thousands of Americans each year, with a morbidity rate‌ of⁤ nearly 80%. Unfortunately, there are only ⁢a few available antifungal⁢ treatments, and their effectiveness is decreasing as fungi⁣ develop resistance. However, researchers from the University of Oklahoma have ⁣recently published findings in the Journal of Natural Products suggesting that they may⁤ have discovered a groundbreaking new treatment.

“The ⁤molecule ⁣we’re excited about ⁢is called persephacin,” said Robert Cichewicz, Ph.D., the principal investigator⁢ and Regents Professor in the ⁣Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Dodge Family College of ⁤Arts and Sciences at OU. ‍”This antifungal discovery seems to work against a wide‌ range of infectious fungi, and it is relatively non-toxic to human cells, which is significant because many⁢ current treatments are harmful to the human body.”

The increase in fungal infections is partly due‌ to the⁤ successful treatment of other diseases. As people⁣ live longer and‍ undergo treatments like chemotherapy and organ⁣ transplants, their immune systems often⁢ become weakened. When ⁣drugs that weaken the immune system, such⁢ as those used ⁢to treat arthritis ‍and ‌other ailments, are added to the mix, it creates a perfect storm⁤ for‍ potentially deadly fungal⁢ infections.

Cichewicz, who has been studying fungi for⁤ almost 20 years,‌ leads the Natural Products Discovery Group at OU.​ This ⁢team of researchers discovered this unique molecule and developed ​a special method ​for testing ⁢plants for ‌their antifungal properties.

“Fungi are present throughout⁣ the plant world,⁤ and plants and fungi often have a symbiotic relationship. Some of these ⁣fungi kill ⁢competitors or repel insects from eating the plant,” Cichewicz explained. ​”We hypothesized that if these fungi that reside⁣ in ‌plants, known as endophytes, could help plants fight off infections by killing invading fungi, then these ⁣molecules might⁤ also ‍be able to protect humans and animals from fungal pathogens. As it turns out, our hypothesis was correct.”

2023-08-07 21:48:03
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