Anticipated Outlook for Apple’s Enterprise Leadership in 2024

Anticipated Outlook for Apple’s Enterprise Leadership in 2024

Apple’s surging status in⁣ the enterprise suggests it will ‍grab a big ​slice ⁤of ‌recovering⁤ hardware budgets ‍across the‌ next 12 months. To find out why, I talked to‌ leaders from across the fast growing⁢ Apple device management industry to learn what⁤ they see and where Apple⁢ in the enterprise will go in 2024.

Specifically, I spoke‍ with leaders from Jamf, Mosyle, Hexnode, ​JumpCloud, and⁤ Kandji.‌ Together, their insights deliver a broad picture of how things look across the industry. I’ve assembled ​the answers in this Q&A.

Selected highlights include:

Apple devices are being used across a ​broader ⁣set of ⁢business roles.

Very large⁢ industrial and traditional service ⁢enterprises are choosing Apple.

Apple ⁢is actively working to win over Windows admins.

Many enterprises are preparing to embrace Apple’s Vision​ Pro.

Business will find Vision Pro use cases no one has ‍dreamed of⁤ yet.

Apple’s focus on sustainability is good for business as enterprise ⁤customers focus on both cost and sustainability.

Looking back over ​2023, what do you see as the big trends ‌for ⁢Apple in⁤ the enterprise?

Michael Covington, vice president for⁢ portfolio strategy at JAMF

“In 2023, we saw more and more business applications being run by Jamf customers ​on Apple devices. ‍This is an important trend,‍ because it reflects a broader⁢ set⁢ of roles⁣ within organizations that⁣ are choosing and using Apple​ devices for work.

“We first noticed the trend⁢ with mobile‍ devices as frontline workers in industries ⁢like healthcare, aviation, and retail transitioned to iPhones and iPads as the primary computing device⁣ for some customer-facing roles. And​ on the Mac, we saw tremendous growth in the ⁣use⁤ of cloud⁤ identity services, indicating that the Mac is increasingly being used to access critical online services and data.

“With Apple devices⁣ now in‌ the critical ‍path for⁤ many individuals and‌ departments across the enterprise, we have seen an ‍increased interest in securing the Apple platform and aligning to both organizational and regulatory​ standards. As the threat landscape continues to evolve and ⁤target more Apple users, it’s great to see ‍a growing ⁤awareness of Mac compliance tools, as well as an indication that more security teams are adding Apple telemetry into their operational playbooks.”

Alcyr Araujo, ⁢Mosyle⁣ CEO

“The ‍biggest trend for 2023 was the continuation ‌of a direction we’ve ⁤seen for several years: ‌a shift from Windows to Apple. Organizations that have traditionally used Windows⁤ devices are continuing to ‌expand their employee-device-of-choice programs⁢ to include Apple devices. Some are even making more aggressive shifts to exclusively‍ use Apple ⁣devices.

“While‌ Apple devices have always been the device of choice for modern companies, very large industrial and traditional service companies are now embracing the ‍technology. This should continue for the coming years, and Macs⁣ will ultimately become the‍ leader in ​the enterprise for all businesses.”


2023-12-20 21:00:05
Source from ⁤ ‌rnrn

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