An Eye-Like Galaxy: Unveiling the Hidden ‘Polar Ring’ Galaxies

An Eye-Like Galaxy: Unveiling the Hidden ‘Polar Ring’ Galaxies

It’s big. It’s beautiful. It looks‌ a​ bit‌ like a sparkly,‍ starry, slightly smooshed Eye of Sauron.
These spectacular structures, which can also⁤ contain ⁣dust​ and stars, are thought to encircle only about 1 in 1,000 galaxies. But now it‌ seems that many more — possibly​ 30 times‌ as⁢ many — could be hiding in⁣ plain sight, researchers report in the November Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
“The implication‌ would ⁣be ⁣that there are⁣ tons ​of these things out there,‍ masquerading ‍as⁣ normal galaxies,” says astronomer Ronald Buta of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, who wasn’t involved in the new study.
Astronomers are ​still puzzling out ⁤how⁤ any‍ galaxies⁢ have polar rings ⁢at all. ​But ‌they’re thought to form as galaxies ⁤grow, either by colliding with other ⁢galaxies or by gobbling up gas.

2023-09-27 07:00:00
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