Among the last Palestinian detainees released by Israel, Ubai finally experiences freedom

Among the last Palestinian detainees released by Israel, Ubai finally experiences freedom

On ⁢his first morning of⁤ freedom after being released from Israeli prison, Ubai Youssef Abu Maria wandered around ⁢his home, checking in on his parents, as ​if to make sure everyone was ⁢there.

They had all gotten home​ at dawn that day, Friday, and while his body was tired, he was so happy to be home that he only managed two hours of sleep before⁣ he⁢ went​ to his parents’ room⁢ and woke‌ them up.

Only half-joking, he asked his ‌mother Fidaa, 38,‌ to make him ‍a breakfast he had been dreaming of since‍ October 7 – qalayet banadora, a spicy ⁤skillet of fresh tomatoes‌ simmered with⁢ hot Palestinian⁤ chilli peppers. It was served with the requisite fruity olive oil, special family-recipe zaatar and a cup of sweet tea.

As he ate, Ubai told‍ his mother that⁣ he had eaten nothing⁤ that tasted ​anything but⁢ awful over ​the past two months. He ‌missed being ⁤home and being taken care of.

Then,‌ he headed⁤ out to the barber’s to trim his “wild” hair that had not been tended​ to⁤ for two months, returning groomed⁤ and feeling a bit more normal.

Ubai ⁢Youssef Abu ⁤Maria is 18, lives north of Hebron and⁤ has already been arrested six times by Israeli forces. Sometimes he⁤ was held ‌for days, ‌sometimes ​for hours. The first⁢ time, he was 14 years old and was held for 15 days.

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