Amazon at 30: Charting the Future of the E-Commerce Giant

Amazon, now turning 30, has‌ come a long way since its‍ humble⁣ beginnings in 1994. Back ‍then, a job posting on Usenet ​sought⁤ software engineers to help pioneer online commerce. The company, initially named Cadabra, set out to design complex systems ​at an unprecedented ‍pace. Despite the name change due to ​confusion with “cadaver”, Amazon’s vision remained ‍steadfast.

Today, Amazon⁢ dominates the⁣ online shopping landscape,​ with an estimated $554bn in sales in America alone. This accounts for a staggering 42% of the country’s ⁣e-commerce market share, dwarfing competitors like Walmart. Jeff Bezos’ brainchild has truly ⁤revolutionized the way⁤ we shop online.

2024-07-01 14:50:06

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