Algae, Snails, and Other Organisms Harbor Countless Programmable DNA-Cutters

Algae, Snails, and Other Organisms Harbor Countless Programmable DNA-Cutters

A ⁤diverse set of species, from snails⁣ to algae to⁣ amoebas, make programmable DNA-cutting enzymes called Fanzors—and a new study ‌from⁣ scientists at MIT’s McGovern Institute for⁣ Brain Research has identified thousands‍ of ⁤them. Fanzors are RNA-guided enzymes that can be ⁢programmed to ‍cut DNA ‌at specific ‍sites, much like the bacterial⁣ enzymes that power ⁢the widely used ⁣gene-editing system⁤ known as CRISPR. The newly recognized diversity⁤ of⁤ natural Fanzor enzymes, reported Sept. 27 in the journal Science Advances, gives scientists​ an extensive ⁢set‌ of programmable enzymes⁤ that might be adapted⁢ into new tools for research or medicine.

“RNA-guided biology is ‍what lets you make programmable tools that are really easy to use.⁤ So the more we can​ find, the better,” says ⁣McGovern Fellow ⁤Omar Abudayyeh, who led the research with‌ McGovern Fellow Jonathan Gootenberg.

CRISPR, an ancient bacterial defense system, has made it clear how useful RNA-guided enzymes can‌ be when⁢ they are adapted⁤ for use in the lab. CRISPR-based genome editing tools developed by MIT⁤ professor and McGovern investigator Feng Zhang, Abudayyeh, Gootenberg, and others have changed the way scientists modify DNA,‍ accelerating research ​and enabling the development of ‌many ⁢experimental​ gene ‌therapies.

Researchers have since⁣ uncovered⁣ other RNA-guide⁣ enzymes throughout the bacterial world, many‌ with features ⁣that make them valuable in the lab. The⁣ discovery⁣ of Fanzors, whose ability to cut DNA in an RNA-guided manner was​ reported by Zhang’s group earlier this ⁢year, ‍opens a⁤ new frontier of RNA-guided biology. Fanzors were the​ first such enzymes to be found in eukaryotic organisms—a wide group of lifeforms, including plants, animals, and fungi, defined by the membrane-bound⁤ nucleus that holds⁢ each cell’s genetic material. (Bacteria, which lack nuclei, ‍belong to a group known as ⁢prokaryotes.)

“People have been searching for interesting tools ​in prokaryotic systems for a ⁢long time, and I think that that has ⁣been incredibly fruitful,” says ⁢Gootenberg. “Eukaryotic systems are really⁢ just‌ a ⁤whole new kind of playground to work ​in.”

2023-10-15 01:00:04
Post from⁣ rnrn

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