AI Utilized to Enhance High-Temperature Strength of Nickel-Aluminum Alloys by Researchers

AI Utilized to Enhance High-Temperature Strength of Nickel-Aluminum Alloys by Researchers

A materials research team⁤ consisting of ​NIMS and‌ Nagoya University has developed a ‌unique two-step thermal aging schedule (i.e., non-isothermal aging or‌ unconventional heat treatment) that can produce nickel-aluminum (Ni-Al) alloys with higher⁤ strength⁣ at ⁣high temperatures compared to ‍Ni-Al alloys made using traditional thermal aging ‌processes.

This achievement ​was⁢ made⁣ possible by utilizing ‍artificial ‍intelligence (AI) techniques to ‍identify several dozen different thermal aging schedules that have the potential to enhance the high-temperature strength of ⁣the alloys. The ‌underlying mechanisms​ of these schedules were then analyzed in⁤ detail. These⁣ findings indicate ⁤that AI can‌ provide new insights into materials research.

This‌ research was⁢ published in Scientific ‍Reports on August ​4, 2023.

Ni-Al alloys‍ consist ‌of ⁣a γ/γ´ ⁣(gamma/gamma ⁢prime) two-phase microstructure. ‍To increase⁤ the high-temperature strength of these‌ alloys, it is necessary to optimize both the ⁤size and​ volume fraction of ‍the γ´ ​phase formed within the alloy during​ the thermal aging ⁣process. ⁤These​ two parameters are determined by​ the specific⁣ conditions of the thermal aging⁤ process,⁢ including the temperatures used and⁣ the duration of the aging ⁢periods.

Given ​the vast number of possible temperature-duration combinations, previous efforts to ⁢determine the optimal thermal aging schedules were limited to using constant temperatures. For instance,⁢ dividing‍ a thermal aging process⁣ into 10 equal intervals with ‌nine predetermined​ aging temperatures results in ⁢approximately 3.5 billion possible‌ temperature-duration combinations.

2023-11-27 11:41:03
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