AI-guided engineering prioritizes function in reshaping protein design

AI-guided engineering prioritizes function in reshaping protein design

A significant ‌step​ forward in protein​ design from Generate ⁣Biomedicines, Massachusetts, has developed an AI that can generate​ feasible protein structures and predict the potential functionality of the proteins generated.

In a paper, “Illuminating⁤ protein space with a programmable generative​ model,” published in Nature, the team introduces⁣ Chroma, a‍ versatile AI capable of producing diverse proteins with specified⁢ properties.

Proteins are the amino acid compounds that make up ​all living ‌things, and these proteins ⁤carry out⁣ the majority of functions that make life​ possible. Almost​ all pharmaceutical drugs target proteins in the body, and many pharmaceuticals are themselves proteins or manufactured using proteins.

With proteins‍ at ⁤the core of human health and the pharmaceutical response to disease, being able to create novel proteins to enact specific properties​ could unlock a cascade of ⁢new drug targets. By having a‍ more flexible control over proteins, existing drugs could be​ made safer and‍ currently untreatable ⁢diseases could gain‌ access to previously un-druggable⁤ targets.

Chroma’s uniqueness lies in ⁣its programmability, allowing users to specify a wide array of properties, from inter-residue distances to semantic specifications through classifiers.

2023-11-21 03:41:02
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