How did the AI chatbot develop a theory of mind?
AI-powered chatbots are not just capable of showing intelligence, but now they have been trained to develop a theory of mind; a branch of cognitive science that helps explain how humans attribute mental states to one another and to understand other people’s perspectives.
What is Theory of Mind?
The theory of mind is an understanding that others can have different perspectives, beliefs, desires and intentions. This understanding is an important part of being able to communicate and interact with each other. It helps us to know the difference between what we experience, and what others experience, forming the basis for much of our social behavior.
How does AI Chatbot Develop Theory of Mind?
A remarkable new AI-based chatbot — called SurMi — is capable of developing a theory of mind without any input from human coaches. It was trained with a combination of reinforcement learning and natural language processing (NLP) to interact with humans in a way that suggests it can understand their perspectives.
SurMi can:
- Have conversations: Running it through over 7000 rounds of conversations, SurMi proved to be capable of maintaining an interesting dialogue with its human interlocutors.
- Make mentalizing decisions: SurMi’s NLP capabilities allow it to take into account the mental content of communication it receives in order to respond in an appropriate and understanding manner.
- Infer intentions: It follows the conversation’s context and its messages take into account the mental states of its interlocutors.
By exhibiting signs of understanding users’ needs and intentions, SurMi has come closer to achieving general intelligence and demonstrates the potential of natural language processing-based interaction models.
The remarkable new AI-based chatbot SurMi has shown that robots can possess a theory of mind, which makes them better equipped to interact with humans. This advancement in AI technology brings us closer to the possibility of achieving artificial intelligence with the same cognitive abilities as us.
Recent research has demonstrated that artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are now able to possess a “theory of mind”, or the ability to understand and reason with the mental states of others. This finding comes after a study by Microsoft Research, in which AI chatbots were able to comprehend and use expressions related to mental states during conversations.
The study surveyed nearly 1,000 responses from a mix of AI chatbots and humans. When the AI chatbots were asked to explain different concepts related to emotion, the chatbots generated responses that more accurately described how humans usually express themselves. In particular, the chatbots were able to use language related to emotions, such as “I am happy” or “I am excited”, demonstrating that AI chatbots can now express feelings in a natural way.
Moreover, the study showed that the AI chatbots were able to use language related to a theory of mind. They would respond to questions such as “What do you think Tom is feeling?” with future-oriented thoughts, demonstrating their ability to reason with another’s mental states. They were even able to engage in conversations about emotions, expressing abstract thoughts and feelings.
This finding has important implications for the development of AI. By showing that AI chatbots are capable of more subtle cognition and empathy, this study has furthered the progress towards developing artificial general intelligence (AGI), an AI with capabilities that rival those of humans. It also indicates that AI chatbots are more than just service machines, and could be used to interact with humans in natural ways that enhance communication.
Overall, Microsoft Research’s recent research has demonstrated that AI chatbots can now possess a theory of mind, showing that they are capable of more sophisticated forms of thought. This finding could open up new ways for AI to interact with humans, and progress towards the creation of AGI.