AI-assisted newsrooms set the foundation with latest AP guidelines

AI-assisted newsrooms set the foundation with latest AP guidelines

The Associated Press published standards today for generative AI use in its newsroom. The⁤ organization, which⁢ has a licensing agreement with ChatGPT maker OpenAI, listed ⁤a fairly restrictive and common-sense list‌ of measures around⁢ the burgeoning tech ⁤while cautioning its staff not to ​use AI to make publishable⁣ content. Although ‍nothing in the new guidelines⁤ is particularly controversial, less scrupulous outlets could view the AP’s‍ blessing⁢ as‌ a license to use generative AI more excessively or underhandedly.

The organization’s AI manifesto underscores a belief that artificial intelligence⁣ content should be​ treated as the ⁤flawed ‍tool that it is — not a replacement​ for trained writers, ‌editors​ and reporters exercising their best judgment. “We do not see ​AI as a⁤ replacement ⁣of journalists in ⁣any way,” the AP’s Vice President‌ for Standards and Inclusion, Amanda Barrett, wrote in⁤ an article about its approach to ⁤AI ​today. ‍“It is the responsibility⁢ of AP journalists to be…

2023-08-16 15:10:09
Link⁣ from ⁣rnrn

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