Additional Russian Drone Debris Discovered in Romania

Additional Russian Drone Debris Discovered in Romania

Romania found more debris suspected to be from a Russian drone ‍on Wednesday, following Russian strikes ⁣on Ukrainian Danube ports just across the border.⁢ It⁢ was the third such discovery on Romanian soil in less than two weeks.

Ukraine’s infrastructure‍ minister, Oleksandr Kubrakov, said that the⁢ Izmail and⁢ Reni ports, which lie across the Danube, just a few hundred‍ yards from Romanian‌ soil, were struck and damaged, injuring seven civilians. ‌Russia has repeatedly attacked Ukrainian ports along the Danube since the collapse of a grain deal in mid-July that allowed Ukraine to safely ship its grain through the Black ‌Sea.

In a statement, the Romanian Ministry of National Defense reiterated ​that Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube port infrastructure so near Romania would contradict rules‌ of international law.

The Romanian Air Force first identified the‌ fragments as⁤ potentially from a drone, and⁣ the ⁤Romanian authorities then ​identified the source as a drone similar to those used by the Russian Army. The Ministry‍ of National Defense said‍ that a verification team would continue to analyze the debris.

As‍ a NATO member, Romania is protected by the U.S.-led alliance’s commitment to collective security and mutual defense, which considers an attack on any NATO member an attack on all.

Romania avoided any hint that it might invoke Article 5 of the NATO treaty, the cornerstone of the‌ joint defense pact, over debris found in roughly the same area last Tuesday. In a‌ television ⁣interview, Romania’s defense minister, Angel Tilva, said that “these ⁢pieces don’t ⁣pose a threat.”

After more debris was found on Saturday, the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, in a message posted on X, formerly ⁤known as Twitter, objected to “this violation of our sovereign air space” ‍and that he had discussed the matter ⁣with Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary general.

Mr. Stoltenberg said the same day on X ​that there was no indication of any intent to hit a NATO member but that the Russian port “strikes are destabilizing,” adding that he welcomed “the U.S. decision to deploy more F-16s for NATO air policing.”

The NATO ‍secretary general was referencing Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s recent announcement‌ of expanded F-16 fighter jets to bolster NATO’s air policing in Romania, following his call last Thursday with the Romanian foreign minister, Luminita Odobescu. It was not immediately ‌clear how many more F-16s‌ — which already participate in NATO patrols over Eastern ⁢Europe —‍ would be added to the patrols over Romania, or⁢ when they would start.

2023-09-13 14:38:03
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