Adam Mosseri, Instagram CEO, apologizes for the unsatisfactory Threads recommendations

Adam Mosseri, Instagram CEO, apologizes for the unsatisfactory Threads recommendations

Whether or not you’ve actively been using Threads, you may have noticed — thanks to its ‌integration into the Instagram ‍feed — an off-putting shift in the kinds of posts the platform has been recommending over⁣ the last few weeks. At best, you might be seeing tons ​of ⁣content that is of no interest to you whatsoever,⁢ or copypasta-style ‍engagement bait. At worst? A whole lot of⁤ hate speech. In a short video shared⁤ on Friday responding⁤ to ⁢an Ask Me Anything question, Instagram head ​Adam Mosseri apologized for the “low-quality​ recommendations” proliferating ⁢on Threads and said the team is working on a fix.

“We want ⁢people ​to have a positive experience on ⁤Threads, and we’ve actually had some issues over the last few weeks with low-quality recommendations,” Mosseri said,‍ “things that don’t ​quite violate our Community ‌Guidelines — which is where we ‍take content down entirely​ — but kind of ⁣go ⁣right ‍up to that line. We’re working on improving​ it. A lot of it should…

2024-01-06 14:30:01
Link from threads-recommendations-193001655.html?src=rss” target=”_blank” style=”color:blue” rel=”noopener”> rnrn

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