A self-supervised transformer model reduces problems with property prediction by incorporating more metal-organic frameworks

A self-supervised transformer model reduces problems with property prediction by incorporating more metal-organic frameworks

For decades, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been‌ captivating researchers⁢ because of⁢ their wide range of ​applications: gas absorption, water harvesting, energy storage and‍ desalination. Until now, quickly and inexpensively‌ selecting the top performing MOFs for specific‌ tasks has been challenging. Enter MOFormer, a machine learning model that can achieve‌ higher accuracy on prediction tasks than leading⁤ models without explicitly relying on 3D atomic⁢ structures.

“We recognized that relying on the 3D⁤ structures of MOFs led to the additional cost. To work around this we used MOFids to make ⁢accurate⁤ predictions,” explained Yuyang Wang, a ​Ph.D. student in Professor of Mechanical Engineering Amir Barati⁤ Farimani’s research group.

This research was first published in⁣ The Journal of the American Chemical Society.

A MOFid is a text string⁤ representation of MOFs building⁢ blocks—a ‌combination of metal nodes,​ organic linkers ​and topologies—that enables machine ⁣learning models to output property predictions. Because of the countless combinations of these ⁤building blocks, discovering optimal MOFs⁣ is complicated. In Barati Farimani’s MOFormer, ⁣researchers can perform faster screening‍ of MOFs by hypothetically creating new MOFids.

“To train ⁢MOFormer,⁣ we use self-supervised learning ⁢(SSL), which leverages both ⁤the structure based approach with graph neural ⁤network and structure agnostic approach with MOformer. SSL improves the performance of ⁤MOFormer on downstream property prediction ‍tasks.‍ Using such an ‍approach. we explore how structure based and⁤ structure agnostic approach can utilize mutual information from each other,” explains‌ Rishikesh Magar, a Ph.D.⁣ student‍ in Barati’s lab.

2023-07-31 21:24:03
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