A fresh perspective on observing the inner workings of a living cell

A fresh perspective on observing the inner workings of a living cell

Living cells are bombarded with many kinds of incoming molecular signal that influence their behavior. Being able to measure those⁤ signals and how cells respond to them through downstream molecular ‍signaling networks could help scientists ⁢learn much more about how cells work, including what happens as they age or become diseased.

Right now, this kind of comprehensive study is not possible because current techniques⁢ for imaging cells are limited to just a handful of different ⁢molecule types within a cell at one time. However, ⁢MIT researchers have developed an alternative method ‍that allows them ⁢to observe up to seven different molecules at a time, and potentially even more than⁤ that.

“There are many ⁢examples in biology where​ an event triggers a long​ downstream cascade of events, which then causes a specific cellular ‍function,” says ‍Edward Boyden, the Y. Eva Tan Professor in Neurotechnology. “How does that occur? It’s arguably one of the fundamental problems of biology, and so we wondered, could you ​simply watch it happen?”

The new approach makes⁢ use of green ​or red fluorescent molecules that flicker on and off at ‌different rates. By imaging a cell over several seconds, minutes, or hours, and then extracting each of the fluorescent signals using a computational algorithm, the ‌amount of each target protein can be⁣ tracked as it changes over time.

Boyden, who is also a ⁣professor of biological ​engineering and of brain and cognitive sciences at MIT, a Howard⁢ Hughes Medical Institute investigator, and a member of MIT’s McGovern Institute⁣ for Brain Research and Koch Institute ​for Integrative Cancer Research, as well as the co-director of the K. Lisa​ Yang Center for Bionics, is the senior ⁣author of the study, which appears in Cell.‍ MIT postdoc Yong Qian is the lead author⁢ of the paper.

2023-11-28 11:41:02
Post from phys.org

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