16 Fake Electors in Michigan Charged with Interfering in 2020 Election

16 Fake Electors in Michigan Charged with Interfering in 2020 Election

Michigan⁣ has⁢ brought⁤ charges against 16 Republicans who acted as ‌fake electors in⁤ an effort ‌to ⁢hand ​the ⁣state’s electoral ‍votes⁢ to‌ former ‌United‌ States ⁣President Donald Trump during‍ the ​2020 presidential‍ race.

Attorney General Dana Nessel filed felony charges⁢ against the ⁤fake electors on Tuesday, ‍accusing them of‍ a scheme to overturn the results, which ⁢showed Democrat Joe ⁢Biden winning ⁣the‌ state.

“The false electors’ actions undermined the public’s faith ⁢in the integrity of our elections‍ and, we ‍believe, also⁤ plainly⁢ violated ‍the ⁣laws ⁤by which ‌we administer our elections in Michigan,” ​Nessel said⁣ in ⁢a ‍statement.

Tuesday’s ‌announcement‌ represents the ‍first time charges⁤ have been ⁢levelled​ against ⁢individuals ‍accused of using ‍the political system to help Trump⁢ roll back the will of⁤ the​ voters.

The <a href="https://news.ad-astra.icu/16-fake-electors-in-michigan-charged-with-interfering-in-2020-election.html” title=”16 Fake Electors in Michigan Charged with Interfering in 2020 Election”>fake electors ‌include‌ prominent political‌ figures in ​the ⁢state, including Kathy ⁣Berden, head of the​ Republican National Committee’s Michigan ‍chapter, ‍and​ Marian‌ Sheridan, ​the grassroots ‌vice chairwoman‍ of the​ Michigan Republican Party.

Post from www.aljazeera.com​ rnrn

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