Xi’s Strategic Vision: Transforming China’s Military for Superiority

Xi’s Strategic Vision: Transforming China’s Military for Superiority

China has been showcasing its growing military strength to Taiwan and the world in recent times.

Prior to Taiwan’s ‍elections in January, the island faced a wave⁣ of cyberattacks‌ and disinformation campaigns.

Claiming Taiwan‌ as ‍its ‍own, Beijing has⁢ not ruled out the use of force to assert control over the‌ island.

Following the Taiwanese government’s inauguration last‌ month, China flexed its‌ military⁢ muscles with drills ​surrounding Taiwan, accompanied by ‌a video ‌depicting missile strikes on major cities.

A Chinese military⁤ spokesperson emphasized readiness and vigilance, hinting at potential action against Taiwan.

In May, China’s newest aircraft carrier embarked⁣ on sea trials, solidifying⁤ the country’s naval⁢ strength behind only the United States⁣ in ​terms of carriers.

Despite the impressive military displays, questions linger about President Xi Jinping’s confidence in the armed‍ forces.

Xi Jinping presenting a ‍flag to the information ⁣support force ⁤of ⁣the Chinese army when it ​was established in April  ⁤ [Li Gang/Xinhua via EPA]

Recently, Xi‌ acknowledged “deep-seated ‍problems” within the military and called for necessary changes.

His remarks followed a significant reorganization of the Chinese military, signaling ⁢his dissatisfaction with its current state.

Analysts speculate on Xi’s motives and the implications of these military reforms.

Original from ⁢ www.aljazeera.com

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