Where did the displaced tech employees disappear to?

Where did the displaced tech employees disappear to?

Have you ever wondered where all the tech workers who have been laid off have gone? The recent shift in tone in Silicon Valley can be seen in Mark Zuckerberg’s declaration in February that 2023 would be the “year of efficiency”. This language may not be exciting, but it certainly has an impact on employees. On March 14th, Meta, the tech giant run by Mr. Zuckerberg, announced that it would be firing 10,000 staff, in addition to the 11,000 it laid off last November. Amazon, another tech behemoth, also announced on March 20th that it would be cutting a further 9,000 corporate employees, having already let go of 18,000 white-collar workers. According to Crunchbase, a data provider, American tech firms have announced 118,000 layoffs so far this year, adding to the 140,000 jobs cut last year. And there may be more to come. On March 24th, the chief operating officer of Salesforce, a business-software firm, hinted that the company would soon add to the 8,000 layoffs it announced in January.

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