When will the shortest day of the year occur during the Winter solstice in 2023?

When will the shortest day of the year occur during the Winter solstice in 2023?

After weeks ‍of dwindling daylight, Friday marks the longest night of the year and the day with the fewest light⁣ of the year. The event is known as winter solstice as it marks the start of winter in the northern hemisphere.

The event will also be⁣ a turning point for longer hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere, a phenomenon ​that has been tied to various cultural and folkloric beliefs ‍in ancient times.

The event will also be a ‍turning point for longer hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere, a phenomenon that has ​been tied to various cultural and folkloric ‍beliefs in ancient times.

Here’s what⁣ to know‍ about the 2023 winter solstice and how it is celebrated in different communities.

December’s winter solstice is when the northern half of​ the Earth is tilted furthest away from ⁢the sun, making it the “astronomical” first day of‌ winter.

The​ northern hemisphere will experience the fewest hours of sunlight, making it the shortest day of the year while the night is the longest.

The duration of daylight will vary across countries. In the United Kingdom’s London, the day is ​expected to last seven hours and 49 ‌minutes, ‌more than eight hours shorter than the longest day of the year.

Original from www.aljazeera.com

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