The latest WhatsApp beta update for iOS gives users the ability to add and switch between multiple accounts on a single device, according to WABetaInfo. It comes over a year after the feature became available for Android. With version for iOS, users are given a choice when adding a second account to the app, WABetaInfo reports: they can set it up as a standalone primary account or “scan a QR code to link the new account as a companion.” The update is available now for beta testers through Apple’s TestFlight program.
📝 WhatsApp beta for iOS what’s new?
WhatsApp is working on a feature to add and manage multiple accounts within the app, and it will be available in a future update!
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 25, 2025
On Android, running two accounts simultaneously on WhatsApp requires a dual-SIM situation, as each account must have its own phone number. WhatsApp does offer another app,…
2025-01-25 17:49:08
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