Wednesday’s Schedule: STEM Demonstrations, Station Upkeep, and Hearing Assessments Take Priority

Wednesday’s Schedule: STEM Demonstrations, Station Upkeep, and Hearing Assessments Take Priority

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Highlights of the Day

Additional​ Activities

Wednesday offers a variety of other ⁣engaging activities​ for participants:

STEM Workshops

Participants looking to deepen their knowledge in specific ​STEM disciplines can attend various workshops led by distinguished experts in ⁣their ‌respective fields. From robotics and coding to astronomy and environmental⁣ science, there is something for everyone!

Station Tours

Ever wondered how our stations operate behind the scenes? Join our guided tours‍ to witness the sophisticated technology and ​procedures⁤ driving our research and exploration. Get an up-close look at our cutting-edge equipment,​ laboratories, and control centers.

Expert Panel Discussions

Engage in intellectually stimulating ⁣conversations with⁤ esteemed scientists, engineers, and researchers during our series of panel discussions. Share your⁣ thoughts, ask burning⁤ questions, and gain valuable insights ⁢from these thought-provoking sessions.


Wednesday’s schedule is⁢ packed with exciting events and opportunities to explore the world of STEM, contribute to station upkeep,‍ and​ take care of⁢ your hearing health. With a range of activities suited for various interests, there is no shortage of engaging experiences to enjoy throughout the day.


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