was finally successful. After a decade of work, the Iraq War has been officially concluded.

was finally successful.

After a decade of work, the Iraq War has been officially concluded.

After more than a decade of effort, Democratic Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia is on the brink of getting Congress to repeal the authorizations that led the US into war against Iraq in the early 1990s and early 2000s. Senator Kaine, along with Republican Senator Todd Young of Indiana, have the support of the White House and a bipartisan coalition. In an interview on CNN’s “The Lead” with Jake Tapper, Kaine and Young discussed their proposal.

In response to the proposal, Senator Kaine was asked what repealing these authorizations would actually accomplish, since both have fallen into disuse. It is the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed in 2001 that has kept US military operations busy in multiple countries. Kaine explained that repealing the authorizations would send a message that Congress is taking back its responsibility to authorize military action and that the President cannot use outdated authorizations to justify military action. He added that the repeal would also send a message to the world that the US is not in a state of perpetual war.

2023-02-11 08:04:59
Link from www.cnn.com

After a decade of conflict, the Iraq War has finally come to a close. On December 14th, 2018, the Iraqi government officially announced an end to all foreign military combat operations. This momentous occasion was announced after a lengthy campaign against the Islamic State’s (IS) presence within Iraq’s borders, dating back to the summer of 2014.

The campaign was an arduous journey with the Iraqi military coming under the guidance of the visiting international forces. Major efforts in both training and combat operations were coordinated among an alliance of Iraq, the coalition nations led by the United States, and other nations in the region. This collective effort has led to a major shift in the security landscape for Iraq. The Iraqi army, a unified national force, has been able to reclaim control over its major cities and vast swathes of territory previously occupied by the Islamic State.

The absence of the Islamic State from Iraq brings with it a great sense of relief and optimism. With stability more readily assured conflicts within the country, between Iraq and its neighbors, and with other nations should still remain unlikely. The resulting sense of peace has helped to restore trust in the government and, more importantly, the belief that all Iraqis, from majority and minority communities, are seen as equal citizens of their nation.

The successful outcome of the Iraq War serves as a collateral testament to the power of international collaboration and trust. As we look ahead to the future, we must take the same collaborative spirit and put it towards new objectives: Peace in the Middle East, stability in the region, and the political and economic reintegration of Iraq into the international community.

While it is important to celebrate the conclusion of the Iraq War, let us also recognize all of the parties that have dedicated themselves to this cause. The brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, the families of those who have sacrificed, and the countless individuals, both foreign and domestic, who braved the challenges of the Iraq War to bring about a successful conclusion. The courage and commitment that were necessary were not in vain and the world can now be grateful for a more secure Iraq.

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