VW Tennessee Plant Workers Seek Union Election, UAW Confirms

VW Tennessee Plant Workers Seek Union Election, UAW Confirms

On June 8, 2022, a Volkswagen EV ID.4 crossover⁣ was spotted at⁤ the ​Volkswagen of America plant ​in ⁤Chattanooga, Tennessee. The workers at this plant‌ have filed a petition⁢ with the National⁢ Labor Relations Board⁣ to join the United Auto Workers, marking a significant milestone in the‍ labor group’s⁤ organizing drives of nonunionized ‍auto plants in the U.S. The UAW has previously failed ⁣to organize foreign-based automakers‌ in the U.S., but this filing represents a ⁣new ⁤opportunity ​for the ‌union. The Chattanooga plant is VW’s only U.S. assembly plant and employs‌ more than 4,000 autoworkers who would be ⁢eligible to vote for union representation. This development is a significant step in the ongoing ⁣efforts to unionize auto plants in the U.S.

Source: www.cnbc.com

Date: 2024-03-18⁣ 13:40:38

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