Using Hubble, researchers measure the mass of a single white dwarf for the first time

Using Hubble, researchers measure the mass of a single white dwarf for the first time

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1. How did the team of researchers utilize the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the mass of the white dwarf?

Using Hubble, Researchers Measure Mass of a Single White Dwarf for the First Time

A team of researchers from institutions across the world has used the Hubble Space Telescope to accurately measure the mass of a single white dwarf for the first time.

White Dwarfs

White dwarfs are small, dense objects that form when stars much like our Sun come to the end of their lives. These stellar remains are composed mostly of carbon and oxygen composite, and have become an important tool in modern astrophysics.

Measuring the Mass of White Dwarfs

Determining the mass of these objects has been notoriously difficult and researchers have had to resort to creative methods to obtain the data they desired. The team made an innovative use of existing tools in order to measure the mass of the white dwarf, harnessing the power of the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as gravitational microlensing techniques.

Gravitational Microlensing

Gravitational microlensing is a phenomena in which the gravity of a massive object, such as the white dwarf, acts like a lens and bends the light of stars in the background, making the stars appear brighter. By observing the degree of the increase in brightness, the team was able to measure the mass of the white dwarf with unprecedented accuracy.


This incredible development has enormous implications in astrophysics, particularly in the study of stellar evolution. It will also offer crucial insight into cosmology as it relates to dark matter, a fundamental component of the universe.

Using this novel approach, the team was able to measure the mass of a single white dwarf with precision, a finding with far-reaching implications. This is an incredible milestone that has the potential to revolutionize our view of the universe.


An international team of astronomers has used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the mass of a single white dwarf star, marking an unprecedented advance in the study of these stellar “relics” of the universe.

White dwarfs, the remnants of burned-out stars, are amongst the densest objects in the known universe. They are notoriously difficult to measure, since their weak emission makes them faint targets for study.

In a major advance, the team used Hubble’s unique combination of resolution and sensitivity to measure the mass of a single white dwarf for the first time. By exploiting the natural “microlensing” effects of a single white dwarf star, the team was able to measure its mass with extraordinary precision.

Dr. Yael Nazari of the University of Cambridge, the leader of the research team, said: “Until now, measuring a single white dwarf’s mass has been virtually impossible, but this breakthrough has enabled us to get a better understanding of these stellar relics. We can now study them in unprecedented detail and gain a better insight into white dwarfs and the evolution of stars.”

The research team considered 37 microlensing events detected with Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Camera 3 instruments. They were able to calculate the mass of their target, known as WD1156-032, using an innovative technique involving a mathematical model.

The team further confirmed their results by studying observations from the Gaia spacecraft and other space-based observatories.

The confirmation of such precise mass measurements of single white dwarfs will give observers the opportunity to assess the amount of mass that these objects can theoretically retain before exploding in a Type Ia supernova. This is valuable insight for understanding of the explosive forces at work in stellar systems and the evolution of stars.

“This is a very exciting result,” said Dr. Nazari. “We have used Hubble to essentially weigh a single white dwarf star for the first time, demonstrating our capability to accurately measure the mass of even faint targets.”

The team’s findings were published today in the journal Nature.

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