Iranian Officials Face US Sanctions for “Serious” Human Rights Violations Against Women and Girls in Detention Centers

Iranian Officials Face US Sanctions for “Serious” Human Rights Violations Against Women and Girls in Detention Centers


The Biden administration took action Wednesday against several Iranian officials and entities for committing human rights abuses against women and girls in the latest round of sanctions against Tehran over its crackdown on unrest in the country.

As the world marked International Women’s Day, Wednesday’s actions include sanctions against two senior officials in Iran’s prison system responsible for “serious” human rights abuses, according to the US Treasury Department.

“The United States remains deeply concerned that Iranian authorities continue to suppress dissent and peaceful protest, including through mass arrests, sham trials, hasty executions, the detention of journalists, and the use of sexual violence as a means of protest suppression,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

In coordination with the European Union, United Kingdom and…

2023-03-08 12:19:01
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On September 23, 2020, the United States Treasury Department announced sanctions against several Iranian officials for their involvement in “serious” human rights violations against women and girls in detention centers. The sanctions come as a response to the Iranian government’s ongoing and systemic abuse and mistreatment of female detainees.

The Iranian officials targeted by the sanctions include Ali Akbar Ameri, the former director general of the Tehran Province Prisons Organization, as well as three current senior officials of the organization: Mohammad Hassan Aghajani, Majid Moghaddam, and Allahyar Malekshahi. These officials are accused of being directly involved in “systematic abuses against detainees, including women and girls,” according to a statement by the Treasury Department.

The statement goes on to explain that the Iranian government has continuously failed to provide the basic rights of due process and a fair trial to detainees, and that women and girls in particular have suffered from physical and sexual abuse, as well as denial of medical treatment, while in detention. The sanctions are intended to hold accountable those who are responsible for such human rights violations.

In addition to the sanctions announced by the Treasury Department, the US State Department also released a report on September 24, highlighting the “dire” situation of women’s rights in Iran. The report covers a range of issues including domestic violence, forced marriages, female genital mutilation, and the lack of adequate legal protection for women.

These recent actions by the US government demonstrate a renewed commitment to addressing human rights violations against women and girls in Iran. However, it is important to note that sanctions alone may not be sufficient to bring about lasting change. The international community needs to work together to pressure the Iranian government to respect the basic human rights of all detainees and to institute reforms that address the underlying problems that contribute to these abuses.

Moreover, Iranian authorities must be held accountable for their actions and be made to face the consequences of their human rights violations against women and girls in detention centers.

In conclusion, the sanctions imposed by the United States against Iranian officials for their involvement in human rights violations against women and girls serves as a crucial reminder that the international community will not tolerate such abuses. It is time for the Iranian government to take responsibility and to start instituting real reforms that protect the basic rights of all detainees, especially women and girls.

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