Unveiling the New Tool Replacing CrowdTangle: Critics Say It’s Only 1% as Effective for Tracking Disinformation

Unveiling the New Tool Replacing CrowdTangle: Critics Say It’s Only 1% as Effective for Tracking Disinformation

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Meta Axes ⁢CrowdTangle, a Tool for Tracking Disinformation

​ ​ Meta, formerly known as ‌Facebook, has made a controversial decision to discontinue CrowdTangle, a widely used tool by journalists and researchers to monitor disinformation on social media platforms.

Critics Claim Replacement Has Just ‘1% of the Features’

⁤ ‌ Critics are expressing concerns over Meta’s choice to replace CrowdTangle. They argue that the new tool provided by Meta only offers ‘1% of the features’ that CrowdTangle had.

​ ⁤ CrowdTangle was highly praised for its ability to track trending content, analyze engagement metrics, and monitor the spread of misinformation on social media platforms. Its discontinuation has left many in the journalism and research fields searching for alternative solutions.

​ ⁣ ⁣ Meta has justified its decision by stating that it is part of a larger effort to streamline its tools and services. However, this explanation has not satisfied the disappointed users of CrowdTangle.

What’s Next for Tracking Disinformation?

⁣ ‍ With⁤ the⁣ removal of CrowdTangle, many are now seeking other tools to track disinformation on social media. While there are several options available, none seem to offer the same comprehensive features that CrowdTangle provided.

⁢ It remains ‍to be seen how the journalism ⁣and research ⁢communities will‌ adapt to this change and whether new tools will emerge⁤ to fill the void⁤ left by CrowdTangle.


The discontinuation of CrowdTangle by ⁣Meta has sparked a heated⁢ debate within the ⁤journalism ​and research‌ communities. While Meta’s decision may have been part of a broader strategy, many critics remain‍ unconvinced and are ⁢calling for ‌better solutions to ‍track disinformation⁣ on social media platforms.

⁢ ‍ ‌ As the landscape of online information continues to evolve, it ​is ⁢crucial that⁣ tools like CrowdTangle are preserved ​or⁣ replaced with equally effective alternatives to ensure transparency and accountability in‌ the digital age.

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