Unveiling the James Webb Telescope: Debunking the Myth of ‘Breaking the Universe

Unveiling the James Webb Telescope: Debunking the Myth of ‘Breaking the Universe

Contrary to ‌reports, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope did not break the ‍universe. According to Muñoz of the University ⁤of Texas at Austin, the telescope is providing a ​new way to understand the early universe. The ⁤initial‍ images from JWST revealed⁣ an unexpectedly large number of ‌galaxies, some⁣ of which were much more massive​ than previously thought. These “universe breakers” challenge existing assumptions about cosmic evolution,‍ particularly in relation ​to dark matter. The standard model of‌ cosmology predicts far fewer dark matter halos than what ‌JWST’s observations suggest.

2024-03-04 11:30:00
Originally from www.sciencenews.org

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