Unveiling the Evolution of Tardigrades: Discovering When These ‘Water Bears’ Became Invincible

Unveiling the Evolution of Tardigrades: Discovering When These ‘Water Bears’ Became Invincible

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Renowned for their ability to endure extreme conditions, tardigrades, also known as ‘water bears’, have fascinated scientists for years. The recent discovery of tardigrade fossils has unveiled the timeline of their development of legendary indestructibility.

Discovery of Fossils

Unearthed from ancient amber deposits in Myanmar, these fossils date back around 100 million years. The well-preserved specimens offer a glimpse into the ancient world and provide insights into the evolution of tardigrades.

Evolutionary Timeline

Through the study of these fossils, researchers have traced the evolution of tardigrades and identified the period when they acquired their remarkable resilience. It seems that approximately 30 million years ago, tardigrades began developing the mechanisms to withstand harsh conditions.

Key Findings


The discovery of tardigrade fossils has enriched our understanding of these extraordinary creatures’ evolution. By revealing the timeline of when ‘water bears’ became virtually indestructible, scientists have shed light on their incredible adaptability and resilience.

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