Unveiling the Alluring Mystery Behind the Infamous Durian: The Undisputed Monarch of Fruits

Unveiling the Alluring Mystery Behind the Infamous Durian: The Undisputed Monarch of Fruits

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Experience the social turbulence caused by the durian, known as‌ the “king of all fruits” in Southeast Asia. As durian​ season is in ‌full swing, this delicacy continues to be both loved and loathed.

The global interest in durians‌ has surged in recent years, with the international market ⁤growing by 400% ⁢last year, driven mainly by China. Despite challenges like lower yields due to weather‌ conditions, the ⁣projected growth ‍for 2024 looks ⁢promising.

However, not everyone is a fan of durian. It often sparks heated debates among ​friends and family members in Southeast Asia, leading to bans in hotels and public spaces. In ⁢fact, a flight in Indonesia was delayed in 2018 due to passengers demanding the removal of a load of durian.

2024-07-20 13:15:02
Article from phys.org

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