Unveiling a Newly Discovered By-Product in Drinking Water Treatment Processes

Unveiling a Newly Discovered By-Product in Drinking Water Treatment Processes

Discoveries in water treatment have revealed a ⁢new breakdown ⁢product from chlorine-based treatments, potentially affecting one-third‌ of Americans. Environmental ⁤engineer Daniel ‍McCurry from the University of‍ Southern California anticipates a significant impact from this‍ finding.⁤ While chlorine effectively eliminates germs⁢ in water systems, it ​can also produce harmful by-products⁢ when reacting ‌with other⁣ substances. To address⁢ this issue, some municipalities transitioned to ‍using⁤ chloramines for water treatment. Julian ‍Fairey, ⁣an environmental engineer at the ⁣University of Arkansas, notes that approximately 113 million people rely on chloramines for disinfection. Despite‌ their lower rate of by-product formation compared to chlorine, chloramines still generate breakdown products that have ⁢posed challenges‍ for ⁢identification ⁢over the years.

Date: 2024-11-21 14:00:00
Source: www.sciencenews.org

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