Unraveling the Mystery: The Surprising Fossilization of an Ancient Shark Parasite in Tree Resin

Unraveling the Mystery: The Surprising Fossilization of an Ancient Shark Parasite in Tree Resin

Approximately ‌100 million years ago, a newly discovered parasitic worm likely ​lived inside fish. The ⁤mystery of ⁤how it ended up preserved‌ in amber, fossilized tree ⁤resin,⁣ has left paleontologists puzzled. Luo’s team, from the Nanjing ‌Institute of Geology and Paleontology in China, stumbled upon this unusual find while⁢ examining ​amber from ⁤Myanmar. This‍ 10-millimeter-long specimen had‍ unique⁢ features like armor, tentacles, and hooklets, resembling modern flatworms that ⁣infest sharks and ⁤rays. The​ rarity‍ of finding body fossils of flatworms⁤ is highlighted by the soft bodies and⁢ transient ⁣life cycles of these creatures.

The fossil, described by taphonomist Raymond Rogers of Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., ⁣as ​”exceptional preservation,” presents a challenging puzzle for ⁢researchers to unravel.

2024-05-15 10:15:00
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