Unraveling the Mystery: The Fascinating Journey of Birds Finding Home

Discover ​the hidden world of bird navigation— Science News, April 13, 1974
Birds possess ‌a remarkable⁣ ability to navigate using various sensory cues, such as observing the sun, stars, and landmarks, as well as sensing ‌the Earth’s​ magnetic field. Scientists are continuously uncovering the mysteries behind birds’ magnetic sense. While iron-rich cells in their beaks were initially thought to act ⁣as⁢ internal compasses, recent research‍ indicates ⁣that proteins in their retinas, known as ⁣cryptochromes, play a crucial ‍role in allowing birds to perceive the Earth’s magnetic field. Studies have shown that cryptochromes in ‍migratory robins ⁤are particularly sensitive to magnetic fields, shedding light on their extraordinary navigation abilities.

2024-04-15 07:00:00
Read⁤ more at www.sciencenews.org

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