Unraveling the Mysteries of the Sun’s Enigmatic ‘Campfire’ Flares

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Sun’s Enigmatic ‘Campfire’ Flares

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Solar Campfire Flares: A Closer Look


The sun’s flares have always captivated scientists with their sudden bursts of energy and light. Among these flares, ‘campfire’ flares have remained a mystery for years. Thanks to advancements in solar observation technology, we are now unraveling the secrets of these enigmatic phenomena.

Recent Discoveries

Recent observations from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) have shed new light on campfire flares. These smaller, cooler flares pose a challenge for detection and study, but they hold valuable insights into solar activity.

Key Findings

  • Size: Campfire flares are typically a few thousand kilometers in size, much smaller than their larger counterparts.
  • Temperature: Despite their size, campfire flares can reach temperatures exceeding a million degrees Celsius.
  • Duration: Campfire flares last for a short period, usually only a few minutes, making them challenging to study.


Understanding campfire flares could offer valuable insights into solar processes and help predict and prepare for potential solar storms that may impact Earth.

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