Unprecedented Circumstances: The Potential Transmission of Alzheimer’s Disease

Unprecedented Circumstances: The Potential Transmission of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease may be transmitted between individuals under highly unusual circumstances. According to a study published in Nature Medicine on January 29, ‍five ⁣people who received contaminated growth hormone injections as children developed Alzheimer’s at an ⁣unusually young age. However, researchers are quick ⁤to clarify that Alzheimer’s is⁢ not contagious in everyday life, including caregiving and most medical settings. They emphasize that it is not ‌transmissible like a viral or⁣ bacterial infection.‍ The reassurance is echoed by other experts, who believe that the transmission ⁢of ⁣Alzheimer’s disease is only associated with ⁣outdated medical practices and is no ⁢longer a⁤ concern.

2024-01-29 11:00:00
Article from www.sciencenews.org

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