Unlocking the Secrets of Galaxy Longevity: Groundbreaking Research Uncovers the Key to Avoiding Premature Demise

Unlocking the Secrets of Galaxy Longevity: Groundbreaking Research Uncovers the Key to Avoiding Premature Demise

An incredible artist’s depiction reveals the bi-polar jets of ⁣gas emerging‌ from ‌a ‌supermassive black hole at ⁢the core ‌of a galaxy, resembling the heart and⁢ lungs ​of ⁢these cosmic entities. This discovery sheds light ​on how galaxies maintain their‌ balance ‍and prevent premature demise.

According ​to⁤ a recent ‍study​ published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical⁣ Society, galaxies possess a mechanism​ akin to a respiratory system that ⁣regulates their growth. Without⁤ this ‌control, galaxies would⁤ have expanded rapidly, resulting in a universe‍ dominated by lifeless “zombie”⁤ galaxies‌ filled⁣ with dying stars.

The research conducted by astrophysicists at the University of‍ Kent ​proposes that galaxies⁣ manage their growth rate⁣ through a ‍unique “breathing” process. By limiting the amount​ of gas they absorb‍ for star formation, ⁤galaxies prevent ⁢themselves ⁤from succumbing to the ‌relentless force of⁣ gravity and‍ growing uncontrollably.

In this analogy,‌ the supermassive black⁣ hole‌ acts as the heart of the galaxy, while the bi-polar jets of gas and radiation represent the lungs. These⁤ findings offer a ​new perspective on the cosmic​ mysteries surrounding ⁢galaxy size and evolution, highlighting the intricate mechanisms that govern ⁢their existence.

Published on 2024-07-11 19:15:02
Source: phys.org

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