Unlocking the Secrets: Effective Strategies to Prevent Cats from Damaging Your Furniture

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Are you tired of your​ cat scratching up your furniture? You’re not alone. Many cat owners face this ⁢issue, but it’s important to understand that scratching ⁣is a natural behavior ​for felines. However, it can be managed in a ‍cat-friendly way.

An international team of researchers has delved into the factors that ‍influence unwanted scratching behavior in domestic cats. Their findings, published in Frontiers ⁤in Veterinary Science,⁣ shed light on how factors like the presence of children, cat personalities, and ‍activity levels impact scratching behavior.

“Our study reveals that factors such as the presence of​ children, cat personalities, and activity levels play a⁢ significant role ⁣in determining the extent of scratching behavior,” said Dr. Yasemin Salgirli Demi̇rbas, the lead‌ researcher from Ankara University.⁤ “Understanding these factors can ⁢help cat owners redirect‍ scratching to appropriate ⁤materials, creating a more harmonious environment for both‌ cats and their owners.”

The researchers surveyed over 1,200 cat ⁤owners​ in France to gather insights into their ​cats’ behaviors and daily lives, particularly focusing on scratching habits.

“Our ‌findings highlight the correlation between environmental and behavioral factors and increased scratching behavior in cats,” Salgirli Demirbas elaborated. “Factors such as⁢ the presence​ of children,⁣ high play levels, and nocturnal activity are linked to heightened scratching. Cats with aggressive or disruptive behaviors also tend to scratch more.”

2024-07-03 ⁤01:15:02
Link from phys.org

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